Wednesday 14 December 2011


1. Welcome sentence - 7,5
2. Descriptions for e.m@il - 5
3. Engine sentences - 10
4. Slate objects descriptions - 9
5. Sentences of shapes - 10
6. Bulb descriptions - 6
7. Protections and prhonitions - 9

Copy N' translate HAZARD

Ejercice 1 of slate, Adverbs.

Description of clock.

Description of clock.

Uses of objects. Mark: OK

Ejercice 2, page 24 , Workbook

Ejercice 5, page 41 Course book

Slate descriptions. Mark 9

Sentences of shapes. Mark 10

Bulb Description. Mark: 6.5

Protections N' Prohibitions. Mark: 9

3. Definitions/Section 2 Workbook

3. Definitions Workbook